Monday, August 8, 2022

My favorite season is fast approaching...fall is in the air. And blueberry picking season...and school will be starting soon...

I think back to the August day in 2008 when our five year old granddaughter, Devin Rae, had been visiting here and we were making a dress for her first day of kindergarten. It was a lovely shade of maroon baby-wale corduroy and she wore it proud. We also made a teepee, and American Girl doll clothes, and fresh tomato salsa and blueberry muffins... all fun and exciting things when you are five. 

My sewing room (also known as my bedroom) was bursting with creative clutter: twigs, fabric, feathers and paper were scattered everywhere and the floor was completely covered! And when we finished the dress, Devin tried it on and did a twirl, and promptly tripped over a pile. Still on the floor, Devin looked up at me with her most sincere and adorable toothless smile and said, "Grandma, I think you should be grounded till you clean your room!" Out of the mouths of babes...

The past six years have been like none other for me and have carried a thread of loss. In the pasts two years, the whole world has shifted and swayed as we've felt the squeeze of Covid. More loss. Loss of loved ones, loss of freedoms, loss of choice. And for some the pandemic meant slowing down and more time at home. Not for me. My job in the medical field was essential and I was super duper busy. I kept thinking at the beginning of Covid how I'd love to be quarantined in my room for two weeks. Yes please. Through these very hard six years, my piles grew. And when push came to shove, stuff got stashed. 

Now our beautiful granddaughter number two, Rylee Marie, is learning to sew. She is my left-handed crafter extraordinaire and she is not afraid of creative clutter! But she does need a larger space to work. So this past weekend...yesterday to be exact, with the help of a friend, I cleaned off a very large desk that had been in my room for nearly 20 years while Rylee made a space in her room for this well-loved desk. And the mess that it set in motion is hard to describe, but purging and room cleaning have commenced and what a good feeling to reorganize my work space!

So stay tuned as the 20 years of UFOs (un-finished projects) emerge and the wedding quilt begins to take shape and I'll try to post more often during this process. And BTW, I might just get those two weeks to hunker down....

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